You acquire life-saving skills which can be used at home, work or play. With this course, You acquire life-saving skills which can be used at home, work or play and learn how to respond to emergencies. The Emergency First Response CPR & AED course teaches the basic principles of CPR and how to deploy and use an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) in an emergency situation. This life saving device can increase a patient’s chance of survival from a cardiac arrest by fifty percent. This course is very popular for annual CPR (re-)training often required for the workplace.
1 x 3-4 hr day
Private $1200pp
(min 2+ person. Discounts available for bookings of 4+)
Scheduled Classes $980
Price includes full equipment & venue hire,
and instructor
All participants also receive:
5% off Sai Kung Scuba courses